Me, myself, and I

My name is Solange, I am 16 years old. I was born on December 12 of 2001. I am from Buenos Aires Argentina, and I live is since 2003 in Colombia. I live whit two of my sisters, my mother and my beautiful dog. 

Since I was a kid I was afraid of animals, especially dogs but my favorite animal when I was little was the horse. I kind of  admire them in a way of elegance and peaceful. 
When I get my dog was the best day of my life, because I lost my fear of animals and staring to love them as a way of support and  caring. Actually right now I do not think I have a favorite animal because I love them all, no matter my fear and my intolerance with some of them . I think that animals brings us joy, love and the peace since they are not like us but just love and nature. When I became vegetarian was something easy to me in the way I don’t eat this because my love for my dog is the same of cow or any living thing. I believe that any change in the world is meant to be. I do not want to be a veterinarian, but I do want to support animals rights and donate as much as I can in power to do. 

Something that I am really a passionate about (besides animals) is nature, And how the earth fit with animals and with plants. I like nature things as  plants and trees. My favorite color is Blue, because It reminds me of the sky.

I will love to become a doctor and being an oncologist. Something that really is a memory of me since I was kid was my dad saving people lives, and how in any moment he will be able to safe someone no matter what; and I think that is something that people do not know that is the hard work of the doctor and the days without sleeping that it brings, but i think that is worth it because just by being able to understand the human body,  learn the reactions  and knowledge is fantastic and incredible to me. 

I love spending time whit myself like mediating; because it brings me peace and is stressful, watching series and reading. To me, I think that is really important to spend time whit yourself, and do things that I want. Also I really love hugging my dog because my dog and my family brings me happiness. 

 I like to hang out with my sisters that do not live whit us, and know them and find if we have something in common, unfortunately not all my sisters have the same likes and way of perspective that I am, but I do have one sister that like music and reading just like me, and one of my youngest sister is the same personality  like me, she is really silly and distracted like me


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